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Commodo fusce egestas a gravida vel blandit. Quam vulputate cursus gravida ultrices enim ultrices non volutpat sit feugiat in id.

Risus cras netus lobortis vel, laoreet egestas a tortor. Vestibulum pulvinar integer ultricies convallis morbi mi, ut lacus. Pellentesque facilisi iaculis nulla in vitae vitae malesuada magna lorem.


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Learn to delegate

Pellentesque pellentesque montes, pellentesque rutrum enim nisl purus posuere senectus.


Reduce labor costs

Elit est suspendisse arcu, ut nulla. Cursus odio velit lectus diam et tempor Amet ac aenean ut.


Improve organization

Urna, sagittis odio massa mauris ipsum, ac cursus. Sed cursus nisi blandit proin consequat id proin.

Available services

Answering phone calls

Elementum posuere mauris, ac ultricies eu orci massa at id tincidunt.

Answering phone calls

Elementum posuere mauris, ac ultricies eu orci massa at id tincidunt.

Basic data entry

Accumsan odio id nec mauris, eu, tortor at. Vitae tincidunt enim quis.

Basic data entry

Accumsan odio id nec mauris, eu, tortor at. Vitae tincidunt enim quis.

Organizing calendar

Elementum blandit erat odio quam pellentesque aliquam faucibus.

Organizing calendar

Elementum blandit erat odio quam pellentesque aliquam faucibus.

Booking travels

Est dignissim ipsum tellus, hendrerit ac aliquam eu vel blandit ac amet ut ut.


Save money by learning to delegate tasks.

Mauris blandit aliquet elit, eget tincidunt nibh pulvinar a. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec velit neque, auctor sit amet aliquam vel, ullamcorper sit amet ligula.

What does NFT stand for?2022-02-25T23:52:10+00:00

NFT stands for Non-Fungible Token.


What Does Non-Fungible Mean? 2022-02-25T23:51:50+00:00

What is Non-Fungible?

This is not a new term, but for those unfamiliar with the concept of fungibility in economics this might be something foreign. More people have heard this term lately as it becomes more commonplace with the rise of NFTs. Maybe you’ve heard the term yourself, but could you define what Non-Fungible means?

Lets keep it simple: 

Fungible means that something is able to be replaced with an identical item of the same value. For example, a dollar bill is worth a dollar and is mutually interchangeable.

Non-Fungible means that something is uniquely identified and can’t be copied or replaced. An example would be a flight ticket, since there cannot be another ticket with that specific identifying data. Same with a car, each has its own VIN number to identify that specific vehicle. Even though they might look similar on the outside, cars are non-fungible.

What is a Non-Fungible Token?2022-02-25T23:52:31+00:00

In the case of Non-Fungible Tokens this means that something with uniquely identifiable data is stored in a blockchain to certify authenticity or ownership of that thing. In the case of NFTs, those “things” are usually images, video or audio of some sort.

Put more time into what you do best.

Cras ultricies ligula sed magna dictum porta. Pellentesque in ipsum id orci porta dapibus. Nulla porttitor accumsan tincidunt. Sed porttitor lectus nibh. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

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Donec est tristique eu massa pellentesque non sit sit donec. Proin auctor est vehicula.

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